February 22, 2024
# Formatting for ChatGPT and Claude:
## 1. Use Markdown or HTML:
- Both ChatGPT and Claude can output text in Markdown or HTML format.
Markdown is particularly useful because it's designed for readability and easy conversion to HTML. Here's how you can format your text:
- **Headings**: Use `#` for top-level headings, `##` for subheadings, etc.
- **Bold and Italic**: Use `**text**` for bold, `*text*` for italic.
- **Lists**: Use `-` or `1.` for unordered or ordered lists respectively.
- HTML can also be used, but ensure you're not using complex styling that might not translate well.
## 2. Plain Text with Formatting Instructions:
- If you're concerned about formatting retention, you can have ChatGPT or Claude output plain text with instructions for Google Docs, like "Use Heading 2 here" or "Make this text bold."
This allows for manual formatting in Google Docs.
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